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How did I get here?  


Life unfolds for each of us in its own unique manner. Mine certainly has. My belief is that life is fluid and there are no coincidences! My life goes something like this . . .I was born and raised in a Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN suburb. My family included my mother, father, one brother, and many relatives with whom we experienced wonderful relationships. An adult now, I have the deep awareness that I was truly blessed to have had this upbringing.   

Do you see anything missing in my childhood constellation? I certainly do! Throughout my life I have had a passion for dogs and horses and although I was fortunate to have had connections with both, they did not become an everyday presence in my life until I married my husband. Now forty plus years later I can report that we have brought three incredible children into our lives, plus a variety of dogs. Still no horse!

As life evolved, my immediate family grew nicely, and currently consists of one husband, three children and their spouses, eight grandchildren, one dog, four granddogs, and finally ONE HORSE! 


My passion for horses began at a very young age. I don’t remember a time when I didn’t feel a connection to these amazing equine creatures. However, I do recall a specific event as an older teen, when I received a Knowing that there was more to the horse than simply riding. My typical response when feeling the call of Equus*, was to either daydream of what it would be like to have a horse of my own; or when the day permitted, I would seek out my friend who shared a similar connection to them, and proceed to get in line for a trail ride at our local stable to satisfy our moment’s yearning. 


This time was different. I was riding with another friend who from a very young age had her own horses. This particular ride was ingrained in my being as if the horses were gifting me the life changing message of learning that their connection to the human race is so much more than what we had in our awarenesses at that time. I clearly remember what this horse looked like, and as I dismounted, recall gazing at the horse with curiosity, knowing that there is MORE to horses than simply a good ride! It is NOW that I have come into the realization that this ride WAS the most important ride of my life!

Throughout my life I have been searching for my Purpose. I have worked in the healthcare industry for many years, worked in the travel industry, worked for short times in both the retail and restaurant industry, and have been a business owner. None of these fulfilled my desire for finding my Purpose in life.

Then one day in 2015 through a series of seemingly unrelated events, the path to manifesting my Passion and Purpose became clear. I began the Touched By A Horse Equine Gestalt Coaching Method® program, founded by Melisa Pearce. As I’ve  previously stated, Life for me has NO Coincidences. It was through another business venture a few years prior to 2015, which was completely unrelated to coaching, that I had met Melisa. And it was then that I absolutely knew I had finally found what I had been searching for my entire life! 


I am elated to say that my heart is filled with JOY and GRATITUDE, as I have now melded my Passion for Horses and Humans together! I have heard and listened to Equusand I’m grateful for the ability to share the gifts that I have learned through this powerful coaching program. My Passion for horses together with bringing humans into a place of JOY through awareness of their own truth and authenticity is my Purpose! 


My interpretation of Equus:  Equus is the Spiritual connection between horse and human which is powerful, insightful and magical.  Once experienced, it is never forgotten!  

The formal definition of Equus is:  Equus is a genus of mammals in the family Equidae, which includes horses, donkeys, and zebras.  Within Equidae, Equus is the only recognized extant genus, comprising seven living species.

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